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Product Name: AFLIV SYRUP, Compositions of Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Ticheline Citrate &Sorbitol Syrup are Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Ticheline Citrate &Sorbitol Syrup - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of AFLIV SYRUPCyproheptadine Hydrochloride Ticheline Citrate &Sorbitol Syrup

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Product Name: ARYTOX SYRUP, Compositions of Multivitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant Syrup are Multivitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant Syrup - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of ARYTOX SYRUPMultivitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant Syrup

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Product Name: ARYTOX SYRUP 100, Compositions of Multivitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant Syrup are Multivitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant Syrup - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of ARYTOX SYRUP 100Multivitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant Syrup

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Product Name: ARYTOX L, Compositions of Syrup of B-Complex With L-Lysine & Zinc are Syrup of B-Complex With L-Lysine & Zinc - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of ARYTOX LSyrup of B-Complex With L-Lysine & Zinc

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Product Name: Camrod, Compositions of Calcium Carbonate & Vitamin D3 Suspension  are Calcium Carbonate & Vitamin D3 Suspension  - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of CamrodCalcium Carbonate & Vitamin D3 Suspension

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Product Name: Crastone , Compositions of Lithotrptic & Alkalizer Syrup are Lithotrptic & Alkalizer Syrup - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of Crastone Lithotrptic & Alkalizer Syrup

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Product Name: F Zyme Syrup , Compositions of Diastase Enzyme  are Diastase Enzyme  - Ryze Lifecare

F Zyme Syrup

Compositions of F Zyme Syrup Diastase Enzyme

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Product Name: F Zyme Syrup , Compositions of Digestive Enzyme  are Digestive Enzyme  - Ryze Lifecare

F Zyme Syrup

Compositions of F Zyme Syrup Digestive Enzyme

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Product Name: IQ WIN Syrup, Compositions of A HERBAL BRAIN BOOSTER are A HERBAL BRAIN BOOSTER - Ryze Lifecare

IQ WIN Syrup


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Product Name: Iryvact Syrup, Compositions of Iron, Folic Acid & Cyanocobalamin Syrup are Iron, Folic Acid & Cyanocobalamin Syrup - Ryze Lifecare

Iryvact Syrup

Compositions of Iryvact SyrupIron, Folic Acid & Cyanocobalamin Syrup

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Product Name: Iryvact Forte Syrup, Compositions of Iron, Calcium, Antioxidant with Cyanocobalamin , Multivitamin & Multiminerals Syrup  are Iron, Calcium, Antioxidant with Cyanocobalamin , Multivitamin & Multiminerals Syrup  - Ryze Lifecare

Iryvact Forte Syrup

Compositions of Iryvact Forte SyrupIron, Calcium, Antioxidant with Cyanocobalamin , Multivitamin & Multiminerals Syrup

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Product Name: Kofzime A, Compositions of Ambroxol Hydrochloride , Terbutaline Sulphate , Guiaphenesin & Menthol Syrup are Ambroxol Hydrochloride , Terbutaline Sulphate , Guiaphenesin & Menthol Syrup - Ryze Lifecare

Kofzime A

Compositions of Kofzime AAmbroxol Hydrochloride , Terbutaline Sulphate , Guiaphenesin & Menthol Syrup

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Product Name: Kofzime D, Compositions of Phenylphine Hydrochloric Syrup  are Phenylphine Hydrochloric Syrup  - Ryze Lifecare

Kofzime D

Compositions of Kofzime DPhenylphine Hydrochloric Syrup

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Product Name: Kofzime LS, Compositions of Levosalbutanol Sulphate , Ambroxol Hydrochloride & Guaiphenesin Syrup  are Levosalbutanol Sulphate , Ambroxol Hydrochloride & Guaiphenesin Syrup  - Ryze Lifecare

Kofzime LS

Compositions of Kofzime LSLevosalbutanol Sulphate , Ambroxol Hydrochloride & Guaiphenesin Syrup

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Product Name: Kofzime T, Compositions of Terbutaline Sulphate Bromhexine Hcl , Guaiphenesin & Menthol Syrup are Terbutaline Sulphate Bromhexine Hcl , Guaiphenesin & Menthol Syrup - Ryze Lifecare

Kofzime T

Compositions of Kofzime TTerbutaline Sulphate Bromhexine Hcl , Guaiphenesin & Menthol Syrup

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Product Name: Kuffend , Compositions of Ayurvedic Cough Syrup are Ayurvedic Cough Syrup - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of Kuffend Ayurvedic Cough Syrup

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Product Name: KULIV, Compositions of An Ayurvedic Medicine  are An Ayurvedic Medicine  - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of KULIVAn Ayurvedic Medicine

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Product Name: KULIV 6 G Syrup, Compositions of An Ayurvedic Medicine  are An Ayurvedic Medicine  - Ryze Lifecare

KULIV 6 G Syrup

Compositions of KULIV 6 G SyrupAn Ayurvedic Medicine

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Product Name: LACHEMZ, Compositions of Lactulose Solution  are Lactulose Solution  - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of LACHEMZLactulose Solution

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Product Name: Lolasliv Syrup, Compositions of Silymarin With B - Complex Syrup are Silymarin With B - Complex Syrup - Ryze Lifecare

Lolasliv Syrup

Compositions of Lolasliv SyrupSilymarin With B - Complex Syrup

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Product Name: LYOZIP SYRUP, Compositions of Lycopene , Multivitamin , Multimineral,  Antioxidant & Sorbitol Syrup   are Lycopene , Multivitamin , Multimineral,  Antioxidant & Sorbitol Syrup   - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of LYOZIP SYRUPLycopene , Multivitamin , Multimineral, Antioxidant & Sorbitol Syrup

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Product Name: LYOZIP SYRUP, Compositions of Lycopene , Multivitamin , Multimineral,  Antioxidant & Sorbitol Syrup   are Lycopene , Multivitamin , Multimineral,  Antioxidant & Sorbitol Syrup   - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of LYOZIP SYRUPLycopene , Multivitamin , Multimineral, Antioxidant & Sorbitol Syrup

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Product Name: Platizer Syrup, Compositions of Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine - Ryze Lifecare

Platizer Syrup

Compositions of Platizer SyrupAyurvedic Proprietary Medicine

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Product Name: Rizcold Syrup, Compositions of Paracetamol, Phenylephrine HCl, Chloropheniramine Maleate Suspension are Paracetamol, Phenylephrine HCl, Chloropheniramine Maleate Suspension - Ryze Lifecare

Rizcold Syrup

Compositions of Rizcold SyrupParacetamol, Phenylephrine HCl, Chloropheniramine Maleate Suspension

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Product Name: UTYNIX SYRUP, Compositions of Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine - Ryze Lifecare


Compositions of UTYNIX SYRUPAyurvedic Proprietary Medicine

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Product Name: V 60 k, Compositions of Vitamin D3 Oral Solution  are Vitamin D3 Oral Solution  - Ryze Lifecare

V 60 k

Compositions of V 60 kVitamin D3 Oral Solution

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